This morning at breakfast, Julia informed me that she was planning on making a soup after school. Not wanting to discourage her from pursuing things of the kitchen, I asked her what type of soup she wanted to make. She started to think and after a minute or two, decided to write a recipe. When the recipe was complete, she put it on the recipe holder and then got ready for school. When I picked her up from school, one of the first things she asked about was when she could make her soup. I told her that she could get started right away.
After faithfully following her recipe, she decided to give the soup a taste. To my surprise, she said that it was good. She then got Audrey to give it try. I was again shocked to hear Audrey tell Julia that it was good.
I now offer the recipe (complete with Julia's spellings) for your consideration.
Flower (Flour)
Ster (Stir)
Ster (Stir)
Cheas (Cheese)
Mickrwave (Microwave)
It should be noted that as the two of them sat down to eat their soup, they decided that it needed a little bit of sugar. As best I could tell, the optimal sugar to liquid ratio that they decided on was about 2 to 1.